Design & Planning

step 1

Property Assessment & Investigation

At this stage we review legislation such as Councils planning codes or the Housing Code to determine the best method of approval. Also, we investigate the property to identify any potential issues and find solutions.

step 2

Site Visit

A site visit is performed to visibly see the property, land fall, trees, sewer and stormwater systems and other services or hazards. Photographic record is taken

step 3

Preliminary Building Agreement

A Preliminary Building Agreement is proposed to cover the costs and process of the design and approval stage right up to the building contract and booking the construction start date.

step 4

Site Survey & Geotechnical Report

Once you’re ready to start, the Surveyor visits the site to collect information about the dimensions and location of existing buildings, trees, services, hard and soft surface areas etc. Most importantly the levels of the land are determined. A drawing is produced as a base for architectural and engineering plans.

A geotechnical report will be required to determine the soil classification. At this stage a Sewer Pegout may also be required if the building will affect the sewer mains. This is not always required.

step 5

Architectural Concept plan

The building design process is staged starting with your wish list and the property and compliance restraints. Our designer will deliver a concept for your review as a starting point and then it will be developed further to until its right for you.

step 6

Coordination – Passive House Consultant, Engineering, BASIX, Stormwater Solution etc

Various engineers and consultants are engaged to produce further reports to support your application.

step 7

Lodgment to Certifier (Complying Development - CDC) or Council (Development Application -DA)

Once all documentation is complete, your project is lodged with council or a private certifier. Council may take a couple of months to approve your project. A certifier will approve the project within a few weeks if the project is compliant.

step 8

DA or CDC Approval

Once council approves your project, they will issue a ‘Notice of Determination’ which lists all the conditions before the build (CC), during the build, and after the build (OC – Occupation Certificate).

If the approval is via a Private Certifier then a Complying Development Certificate is issued which outlines the conditions during the build, inspection times and Occupation Certificate Requirements. Once you have a CDC approval, construction can start.

step 9


This is where explore and delve into the colours that excite and delight you. We consider your décor, your design style and the colours that resonate with you. Each home, each room and each space are the elements that ultimately inspire you.

With our knowledge and expertise in hand, we will walk you through the colour and material selection process.

All of your selections will be recorded, and a “Colour and Material Schedule” will be produced ready for your final approval.

All plans, reports, approvals and material schedules are packaged up in preparation for construction.

step 10

If DA then Construction Certificate (CC)

A Construction Certificate is required for any DA approved project (through council). At this stage a private certifier is engaged and all documentation listed in the Notice of Determination under ‘Prior to Construction’ must be produced and lodged with the certifier. Once satisfied a Construction Certificate is issued and construction can start.

step 11

Construction Documentation - Interior Design, Material and Colour Selection

This is where detailed documentation is produced for the construction team. Detailed drawings such as joinery elevations, finishes schedules, electrical plans and colour selection schedules are produced.

step 12


A complete construction quote will be provided detailing the process, inclusions and progress payment schedule.

step 13

Building Contract and Construction Preparation

The building contract will be issued for signing.

step 14

Construction Start Date

Your project is booked into our construction calendar. Project planning commences , selected trades are notified and material order sheets are prepared.

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